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Making Jesus Known, Inspiring Real Faith

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Real community spends time together building intentional relationships. TBK provides opportunities for anyone to get involved, to meet someone new, and to grow in friendship. All of this serves a purpose as we believe God uses beautiful community to build His kingdom here on earth. We believe that by building a community that encourages spiritual growth, God will mobilize us more effectively to reach our friends and neighbors who are (or maybe aren’t yet!) curious about Christ.

what people are saying..

"I feel like I’ve been searching for what TBK offers my entire adult life. I grew up with Young Life and Youth Group but making friends as an adult is hard. The stress and pressure women are under can be challenging. Kids, work, marriage and a relationship with Jesus can be difficult to manage. In TBK I have found a group of like minded women, who fiercely love and want to serve the Lord. We are meant to live life in community and that is the essence of TBK. Community. With other wives. Mamas. Christians. Women. There is power in community and lives are being changed. The various groups and offerings TBK has makes participating easy." (Amber L)
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